Some days are harder than others.
Some days are better than others.
Today, unfortunately, is the former.

It’s surprising how quickly a clear sky can turn grey. Yesterday there wasn’t a force in life that could bring me down, but today strangely I feel smashed in the gut and down for the count. I haven’t even begun cancer treatment, and already I feel absolutely destroyed. The sickness in my body has taken much more of a toll on me than I had foreseen. I would love to say that, in the toughest of days, I at least have hope, but to be totally honest I don’t really feel like that. There are days when I don’t feel like praying, or like fighting, or even like talking - and anyone who knows me knows how annoyingly talkative I am. Today is one of those days.
I am tired. I am frustrated. I am weak. I am in pain. But then, no matter how much I don’t want to see the light, that doesn’t stop it from shining insanely bright.
For everyone, the light comes in different shapes and sizes - for me, it comes in the shape of Emery. Her beautiful eyes hold, within them, all of the reason for me to fight on.
I guess, even if you don’t feel hopeful, that doesn’t change the fact that hope is there, staring at you and waiting for you to stare back.
Thank you Emery you are my angel.