I am so incredibly humbled and blown away by the amount of love and generosity we’ve received in this season. You know who you are.... THANK YOU so much Josh and I work really hard to take control of our minds and our thoughts. We focus on positivity and constantly have our ring of cheerleaders in our ears.

But it’s hard. There are days that really really really suck. This week was stressful for a number of reasons. We have to help each other get back in the game but sometimes we also just have to help each other cry.
I feel that I sometimes have to float above my life and look down at it like I’m a watching movie, otherwise I can’t cope.
I cherish every sunset, every time we laugh at a stupid joke, every time we sit down for a meal.... the list goes on. I cherish the amazing community of people we have in our lives and I keep asking what we ever did to deserve so much love.
Emery is going to grow up learning extreme generosity, kindness and love. That will be the best gift we could ever give her. So we’re accepting all of this incredible love with open arms and just saying THANK YOU so very much.
Published on Facebook Dec 2