Too many updates for one family.
This week (and even today) has been a rollercoaster of emotions. First of all, I’m finally home!!! After a week surrounded by elderly men coughing their guts out, next to a corridor where they never turn off the lights, right near a sink where I got splashed whenever people washed their hands, in a ward which was opposite the Coronavirus quarantine area where they shut down every entrance when admitting a new patient, it’s GREAT to be home. Gotta say a huge shoutout to public hospitals in hk. Considering everything they’ve been through they continue to work tirelessly and with pretty happy spirits for, what can be, a challenging group of groaning, hocking, yelling, and shitting patients... and that was just me. Haha.
Anyway, I got out of hospital to receive some pretty shocking news.
Yesterday I shared that they’ve tested the fluid from my lungs and found no signs of cancer. Well today I see the scan results from the tissue they biopsied from my lung and it also showed NO CANCER! <<pause for freak out moment>>

So many thoughts are racing around our minds and hearts. Here are a few : - PRAYER WORKS! - MIRACLE - WTF!?! - THANK YOU GOD!!! - F YOU CANCER!
They still need to conduct ANOTHER BIOPSY to look further, which will involve a microscopic being inserted into me and potentially more screaming, but for now we are claiming our blessing and holding on to our miracle.
We’ll go back Friday for the follow up and new test.
However, just as we’re celebrating this victory, we stumble over another strange crack in the concrete. The right side of my face has now started suffering from some sort of Palsy (the muscles don’t work). This means I mostly only use the left side when smiling, talking and eating which has not just basic practical challenges, but also makes me talk out of one side of my face like.... A FREAKIN’ PIRATE.
Connect the ridiculous dots on that one.
So, heading back in tomorrow morning for a head CT to see what’s going on and praying that it’s not something long term like nerve damage.
Worst case scenario... I have to invest in either a peg leg or metal hook for a hand.
Thanks for your prayers you incredibly loving peo